Kamis, 22 Desember 2011


Evidence exists to the fact that caffeine has been used as a stimulant far back into periods of early history. One of the most famous poets of all time Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who is better known as the author of the Faust legend, reportedly gave a young chemist known as Friedrich Ferdinand Runge a number of coffee beans. Runge had been carrying out some chemical analysis on extracts of belladonna and Goethe suggested he do the same with coffee beans. It was from these coffee beans that Runge isolated caffeine sometime around the year 1819, ever since then we have been in cognizance of the effects of caffeine.
In reality it was way before this period that people were aware of the effects, this is because people were aware of the stimulating effects of coffee ever before the reason behind these stimulating effects were known. Chinese people were reputed to have taken advantage of the caffeine content found in tea as far back as 2700 BC .Coffee was available in South Africa in the 6th Century AD, civilizations in pre-Colombian South Africa were known to have drank both coffee and chocolate and both these products are widely known for their caffeine content.
Since caffeine has been around for as long as we can remember and even before then, it is rather difficult to pinpoint precise details about the history of caffeine. Different stories abound about the ancient uses of caffeine and one popular one is about a goat herder who discovered the stimulating effects of caffeine after his herd of goats had eaten a crop of coffee beans. He tried the beans and he reportedly experienced the effects himself. The veracity of this story however, is probably rather suspect.
Caffeinated soft drinks instantly became all the rage and even those who were happy enough receiving their stimulant via coffee picked up the occasional sugary drink. What made this a true turning point in the history of caffeine, however, is that for the first time children began ingesting it. In fact, large numbers of children started getting the rush of caffeine and the health risks associated with this is still being debated today as the soft drink industry continues to thrive.
At the end of the 20th century, caffeine sort of became the most popular legal drug in the world and it is used in one form or the other in different countries. For most of history, the story of caffeine has been the history of coffee but this has changed in recent times as caffeine is now found in tea, soft drinks and a multitude of other products as well.
Yes, for most of the history of caffeine, it was inextricably tied to coffee and tea. They made perfect delivery systems for the drug. Unless, of course, you didn’t much care, or couldn’t afford, coffee or tea. Although the first espresso machine appeared almost in conjunction with Runge’s discovery, it wouldn’t be until the 1880s that a method for delivering caffeine into a beverage artificially was discovered. July 20, 2010 by  

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011


Coffee is a brewed beverages with a dark, slightly acidic flavor prepared from the roasted seeds of the coffee plant, colloquially called coffee beans. The beans are found in coffee cherries, which grow on trees cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in equatorial Latin America, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Africa.

Coffee berries, which contain the coffee seeds of "beans", are produced by several species of small eve
rgreen bush of genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded Coffea arabica and the 'robusta' form of the hardler Coffea canephora. The latter is resistant to the devastating coffee lust rust (Hemileia vastatrix). Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor.They are then ground and brewed to create coffee. Coffee can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways.

The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century. It has been believed that Ethiopian ancestors of today's Oromo people were the first to discover and recognize the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant. From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have spread to Egypt and Yemen. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey, and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to Italy, and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the Americas.

In 2009 Brazil was the world leader in production of green coffee, followed by Vietnam, Indonesia and Colombia. Arabica coffee beans are cultivated in Latin America, eastern Africa, Arabia, or Asia. Robusta coffee beans are grown in western and central Africa, throughout southeast Asia, and to some extent in Brazil.

Senin, 28 November 2011

Kopi Sesuai Zodiak

Secangkir kopi yang beraroma menakjubkan terkenal ampuh untuk membangunkan mata yang ngantuk. Bahkan, ada juga yang merasa belum ‘on’ kalau belum menyeruput kopi panas di pagi hari. Cerita tentang kopi tak berhenti sampai di situ saja. Konon, ada sebuah mitos yang mengatakan bahwa khasiat kopi akan terasa di dalam tubuh jika pilihan racikannya sesuai dengan zodiak.

Pemilik zodiak ini biasanya memiliki sifat ’sedikit’ keras dan selalu ingin menjadi yang terdepan. Nah, kopi yang cocok buat si Aries adalah Triple espresso, aroma dan rasanya yang kuat kiranya cocok dengan sifat Anda.

Si Taurus bisanya memiliki sifat sederhana dan bersahaja. Sesungguhnya sifat ini lebih berharga dari apapun di dunia ini. Itulah mengapa Cappucino dengan aroma klasik paling cocok untuk memenuhi seleranya.

Warga Gemini memiliki daya pikat yang luar biasa bagi orang lain, selalu membutuhkan teman dan pendapat dari orang lain. Gemini membutuhkan kopi yang bersifat menenangkan. Jika Anda Gemini, jatuhkan pilihan Anda pada Caffe Latte.

Tenang dan menyenangkan, itulah Cancer! Kopi yang paling cocok bagi pemilik zodiak ini adalah Coffee with Mocha atau tambahkan kopi dengan sedikit cokelat.

Pribadi dengan segudang argumen, memiliki banyak cara untuk mendapatkan keinginannya. Hari-hari si Leo makin ‘hidup’ dengan ditemani secangkir Caramel Macchiato.

Sifat khas Virgo ialah memiliki tingkat ketelitian yang sangat tinggi, jadi paling cocok dengan Caffe Americano dalam gelas regular dan jangan tambahkan bahan lainnya.

Anda yang berteduh di bawah zodiak ini ini seringkali melupakan ‘pertimbangan’ dalam setiap tindakan. Hati-hati karena ini akan membahayakan! Untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan, kopi yang cocok bagi zodiak ini adalah Cafe au Lait.

Memiliki rasa percaya diri yang cukup bagus, jarang merasakan penolakan dari dirinya sendiri. Kopi yang cocok bagi pemilik zodiak ini adalah kopi yang menurutnya memiliki ’sensualitas’ tinggi. Jenisnya dapat dipilih sesuai dengan seleranya, asalkan citarasa dan aromanya cukup tajam.

Caramel Latte yang beraroma lembut menggoda sangat cocok dengan watak Sagitarius. Ini sesuai dengan sifatnya yang selalu ingin terlihat menawan, apalagi buat lawan jenisnya.

Selalu terlihat simpel dan tidak menyukai hal-hal yang rumit, paling cocok dengan kopi Espresso (bukan double atau triple). Nikmati kopi ini dalam suasana santai setelah menyelesaikan pekerjaan berat di kantor. Pasti efek menenangkannya sangat terasa.

Aquarius dikenal memiliki sifat sosial yang tinggi. Tampaknya, minuman yang mengandung kafein tidak terlalu penting baginya. Bisa jadi, raspberry tea lebih menarik minatnya.

Suatu hari, si pisces akan meninggalkan kopi dan beralih pada minuman yang lebih menyehatkan, seperti Teh Cina. Cocok sekali dengan sifatnya yang ‘kalem’ dan memiliki kesiapan penuh dalam menyongsong masa depan.


Selasa, 15 November 2011

Dearest my "C" passion,...

C for Coffee, is my passion, since a long time ago, when I was young, I first had my coffee drink in my hand at the age of 12 years old or as much as I can't remember exactly... Since then, I started to like them and drink them behind my parent's back, because they said, coffee is not suitable drink for my age on that time. Apart from that, my ancient's family business was a coffee beans seller (from my mum sides, the Armenian). 

Therefore, I started to draw my life in a cafe's life-style, spending my spare time in between those cups and glasses with accompany of cookies, biscotties, cheese cake etc. Wow, a BIGno-no for diet reason eiyy...

Today, the more I get to know about "C", the more I am into them... my heart is just like a coffee bean...
Fills up my brain with creativity in making of coffee beverages adds-on with many flavors... that's what i called fun way to do... 

I hope you will find this kind of passionate as much as i do, by visiting my Suryo46 Coffee House, at jalan Suryo no.46, Blok S, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. 12180. Meet me there, and we can discuss or just having a chat about coffee whenever you like. Thanks very much indeed for your attentions.

Jumat, 11 November 2011


Teman-teman, jangan lupa y, setiap hari sabtu ada "SpecialSaturday" , dapatkan discount 20% untuk pembelian minuman kopi.

Have a niceCoffee...!

Efek Kafein

Kafein (CaH10N4O2) yang disebut juga 'theine' adalah unsur alami yang terdapat dalam biji kopi. Satu cangkir kopi, yang dibuat dengan takaran 1 sendok kopi, rata-rata, mengandung 60-90 mg kafein. Sebenarnya zat ini tidak hanya terdapat dalam kopi, melainkan juga ditemukan dalam teh, cokelat, guarana, kola dan beragam makanan yang mengandung bahan-bahan tersebut.

Kafein diketahui memberi rangsangan pada sistem syaraf pusat dan memicu sirkulasi darah pada otak. Kondisi ini dapat menjadi pembangkit energi, dan diketahui dapat menjadi menangani sakit kepala ringan. Dalam sejumlah penelitian, para ahli telah membktikan bahwa dalam kondisi normal, kafein dapat meningkatkan kesigapan mental dan daya konsentrasi. Namun tidak banyak membantu jika seseorang terlalu banyak minum alkohol dan kurang tidur.

Kamis, 10 November 2011

Arabika VS Robusta

Kopi arabika merupakan tipe kopi tradisional dengan cita rasa terbaik. Sebagian besar kopi yang ada dibuat dengan menggunakan biji kopi jenis ini. Kopi ini berasal dari Etiopia dan sekarang telah dibudidayakan di berbagai belahan dunia, mulai dari Amerika Latin, Afrika Tengah, Afrika Timur, India, dan Indonesia. Secara umum, kopi ini tumbuh di negara-negara beriklim tropis atau subtropis. Kopi arabika tumbuh pada ketinggian 600-2000 m di atas permukaan laut. Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh hingga 3 meter bila kondisi lingkungannya baik. Suhu tumbuh optimalnya adalah 18-26 oC. Biji kopi yang dihasilkan berukuran cukup kecil dan berwarna hijau hingga merah gelap

Kopi robusta pertama kali ditemukan di Kongo pada tahun 1898. Kopi robusta dapat dikatakan sebagai kopi kelas 2, karena rasanya yang lebih pahit, sedikit asam, dan mengandung kafein dalam kadar yang jauh lebih banyak. Selain itu, cakupan daerah tumbuh kopi robusta lebih luas daripada kopi arabika yang harus ditumbuhkan pada ketinggian tertentu. Kopi robusta dapat ditumbuhkan dengan ketinggian 800 m di atas permuakaan laut. Selain itu, kopi jenis ini lebih resisten terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit. Hal ini menjadikan kopi robusta lebih murah. Kopi robusta banyak ditumbuhkan di Afrika Barat, Afrika Tengah, Asia Tenggara, dan Amerika Selatan.

Kopi Luwak

Jenis kopi yang lain merupakan turunan atau subvarietas dari kopi arabika dan robusta.  Biasanya disetiap daerah penghasil kopi memiliki keunikannya masing-masing dan menjadikannya sebagai suatu subvarietas. Salah satu jenis kopi lain yang terkenal adalah kopi luwak asli Indonesia.

Kopi luwak merupakan kopi dengan harga jual tertinggi di dunia. Proses terbentuknya dan rasanya yang sangat unik menjadi alasan utama tingginya harga jual kopi jenis ini. Pada dasarnya, kopi ini merupakan kopi jenis arabika. Biji kopi ini kemudian dimakan oleh luwak atau sejenis musang. Akan tetapi, tidak semua bagian biji kopi ini dapat dicerna oleh hewan ini. Bagian dalam biji ini kemudian akan keluar bersama kotorannya. Karena telah bertahan lama di dalam saluran pencernaan luwak, biji kopi ini telah mengalami fermentasi singkat oleh bakteri alami di dalam perutnya yang memberikan cita rasa tambahan yang unik.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011


boys&girls,, garage sale is happening everyday, start from 9AM-9PM... location is at jalan suryo no 46, blok S, kebayoran baru, jakarta selatan 12180. Cheers :)

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Coffee and Libra

#Libra adalah pribadi yg sangat pandai berbisnis dan selalu bergairah

sandwiches of my heart :)

made from fresh ingredients, with fresh French Toast, choices of sweet sensation of Strawberry, Chocolate, Kaya, ChocoNuts, Pineapple... also choices of salty tasty sensation of smoked beef, chicken and the latest is Beef Teriyaki, so tasty yet spicy... yummyyy :)

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

hemat setiap hari

Rp. 5.000.-  s/d  Rp. 25.000,-
Black Coffee
iCafé Latte Caramel
iCafé Latte Hazelnut
iCafe Latte Vanilla
^ - ^ Pisang Goreng
>Sandwich Manies : saus Kaya, Strwberry, Coklat
>tahu goreng
>>>>Pempek Kapal Selam
>>>>>pempek Keriting
/Roasted Chicken+Nasi+Air Mineral
??Goulash+Nasi+Air MineraL
nasigoreng ayam
>SpecialSaturday : enjoy discount 20% on all Coffee Beverages
>SpecialStudent : enjoy discount 15% on all food&beverages on the menu listed
Suryo46 Coffee House :
Jl. Suryo No. 46, Blok S, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12180, Indonesia.
( just opposite of Lapangan Bola Blok S / hoek / next to dr. Soemitha B. Djaja )
Delivery(min.100.000,-/order)  & Catering call : 62+21 7279 6699
Fax : 62+21 72800018
62+21 960 897 38
62+21 9868 3551
pin bb : 23803E4E
email : suryo46.ch@gmail.com
facebook : Suryo46 Coffee House
twitter : S46CH

be our member,and get a stamp for every purchase                                                         and get a free drink or food for 10 completed stamps!*
*berlaku hanya untuk pembelian pada menu utama
have a niceCoffee…!

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Garage Sale is also available on the site, everyday, Mon-Sat, Price start from rp. 5000,- !! grab it fast !!

Suryo46 Coffee House

CC... my fav...

Cappuccino Cooler


  • 1-1/2 cups cold coffee
  • 1-1/2 cups chocolate ice cream or frozen yogurt
  • 1/4 cup HERSHEY'S Syrup
  • Crushed ice
  • Whipped topping (optional)
  • Ground cinnamon (optional)


  1. 1 Place coffee, ice cream and syrup in blender container. Cover; blend until smooth. Serve immediately over ice. Garnish with whipped topping and cinnamon, if desired. About four 6-ounce servings.

    VARIATION: Substitute vanilla ice cream for chocolate ice cream; increase syrup to 1/3 cup.


Espresso Drinks

Most of the popular coffee recipes and drinks that are popular everywhere today are based on espresso.
Espresso is a special way to brew coffee that produces a very concentrated and intense, highly flavorful beverage. Hot water almost at a boiling temperature (about 195F) is forced under high pressure (9 bars or about 135 PSI) through 6 to 7 grams of finely ground coffee to produce a concentrated shot of coffee, about 1.5 to 2 ounces of liquid. This process extracts the flavorful and aromatics coffee oils to produce a strong and intense coffee beverage.
  • Straight Shot – a single straight shot of espresso, without any other ingredients, about 1 to 1.5 ounces of liquid. Espresso, when made right, will have a rich layer of golden crema on the top. This is the natural expansion of coffee oils that result from the espresso extraction process (hot water forced under pressure through the compacted ground coffee). Crema, a rich dark tan layer of frothy coffee foam, is hard to describe, but you’ll know it when you see it and taste it. Be sure to drink the espresso right away – the crema will only last about 2 minutes, and then it will dissolve into the liquid.
  • Doppio – a double shot of espresso. Doppio means “double” in Italian. A double shot would be about twice that of a single shot, or 2 to 3 ounces of liquid.
  • Ristretto – the short shot or ristretto is a basic espresso shot extracted to a volume of only ¾ of ounce of liquid. This restricted pour magnifies the essence and intensity even more than a normal espresso. Very popular in Europe and Italy.
  • Espresso Macchiato – starts with a shot of espresso and then a small amount of foamed milk is spooned over the shot. Macchiato means “marked” in Italian referring to the espresso being marked with a spot of foam.
  • Espresso Con Panna – similar to a macchiato, but whipped cream is used in place of the foamed milk. “Con panna” means “with cream” in Italian.
  • Espresso Romano - a single shot of espresso served with a twist of lemon peel. Contrary to the name "Romano", this is not an Italian tradition. The lemon peel garnish is actually a US invention.
  • Caffe Americano – this drink transforms espresso into more of an American brewed coffee. Start with one shot of espresso and add hot water to make a full 6-8 oz cup. This results in a smooth, diluted version of espresso coffee.
  • Cappuccino – one of the most popular espresso drinks and somewhat trickier coffee recipes to do well. Cappuccino is made with 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 frothed milk. Powdered cocoa or cinnamon can be sprinkled on the top as a garnish. The technique is a little tricky. To layer the milk and espresso, it’s necessary to allow the frothed milk a moment to rest and separate.
The order that you pour the ingredients into the cup makes a difference. Pour the steamed milk into the bottom third of the cup. Next, pour the espresso slowly into the steamed milk. Then spoon the frothed milk on top to fill the cup. The espresso should settle between the milk and the foam.
  • Caffe Latte – start with a single or double shot of espresso in a 10 to 12 oz cup. Tilt the cup and pour about 8 to 10 oz of steamed milk slowly down the side. This floats some of the espresso to the top causing a swirling appearance. Sprinkle with nutmeg or cinnamon to garnish. As a common variation, latte can be flavored with Italian syrups such as hazelnut.
  • Caffe Mocha – made by adding powdered or chocolate syrup to a shot of espresso and blended. Add steamed milk to the espresso and chocolate mixture and top with whipped cream.
  • Mochaccino – similar to a caffe mocha, but top with peaked milk foam instead of whipped cream.